Machor, James L(awrence)

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MACHOR, James L(awrence)

MACHOR, James L(awrence). American, b. 1950. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Ohio State University at Lima, assistant professor, 1980-86, associate professor of English, 1986-90; Kansas State University, Manhattan, associate professor of English, 1990-95, professor of English, 1995-. Publications: Pastoral Cities: Urban Ideals and the Symbolic Landscape of America, 1987. EDITOR: (and contrib.) Readers in History: Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Contexts of Response, 1993; (co-) Reception Study: From Literary Theory to Cultural Studies, 2000. Address: Department of English, Denison Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, U.S.A.

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